Ghost Protag


I try not to think in terms of Good and Evil, because apparently, people who think like that have lower IQs. Having never measured my IQ, I don’t really care about that, but I do believe that a good ‘villain’ can have just as much of a motive, if not stronger, than the protag of a narrative, game or movie.

However, as the enemy ghosts are purely driven to destroy the protagonist, i’ll refer to them as such. For this design, I went through a few iterations, trying to appeal to our target audience with a female character. Ultimately, the female ghost ended up looking like a mother or a sister. The hairstyle typical of that age, which might have worked. Many males 18-25 have respect for their mothers, but they probably don’t want to play as them in a video game.Most female protagonists in video games have sex appeal, or strong character.

Then I looked at designing a young boy that the player might empathise with. Using oversized jumpers and caps to give them an affectation that distinguished them from other enemies, and provided something that would give them colour.

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